Disc golf putting tips

Disc Golf Putting Tips

Disc Golf Putting Tips Outline

This article contains many disc golf putting tips, so here’s an outline of what we will go over, but don’t stop here because each section includes important details!

  1. Choose a disc golf putting style and make sure you’ve considered the pros/cons of each
  2. Choose a putter that fits your putting style and know the important features
  3. Practice your putting frequently
  4. Plan your putt while considering these environmental factors
  5. Choose a line for your putt
  6. Commit to your putt and focus on the shot
  7. Develop and use a consistent pre-putting routine

Disc golf putting is one of the most important skills to master in disc golf since you putt on literally every hole unless you sink a long shot. Efficient disc golf putting technique can also separate you from the rest of the playing field. But what is the best way to become a great at putting and what are some good disc golf putting tips?

Dynamic Discs JudgeOne common problem with disc golf putting advice is that it is often vague and lacks focus. Many articles providing disc golf putting tips just list out a load to advice, half of which isn’t even helpful. That’s not the best way to approach putting technique. To help, we’ve structured our disc golf putting advice from start to finish.  We’ll also keep adding more putting tips to this article over time so this page is never outdated.

Disc golf putting tips can be broken down into a few main categories, and doing so will help you strategize and practice your routine efficiently.  If you’ve already established your putting style and have selected your putter, feel free to skip to the next section.

Disc Golf Putting Style and Putter Tips

Disc golf putting tipsBefore you even step foot on the course there are a few things that you should figure out. Granted, you will end up learning and changing things up as you play, but it’s beneficial to start with a strategy that you can test.

Choose a putting style first, then you can test putters based on what you need for that style. Most disc golfers have one primary putting style and then use one or two backup styles in case of odd situation. Here are the main putting styles and a brief intro to get you started.

Spin Putt

Usually the most natural and the easiest to figure out the basics. Throw the putter with spin which helps stabilize the putter and shape your putting line. Can be less consistent than other styles because it requires movement from multiple joints on your body

Variations include: loft putt, anhyzer spin putt, hyzer spin putt, straddle

Push Putt

Tossing the putter with as little spin as possible by flicking with supporting fingers and snapping at the hips. Less spin helps to keep the putter flight pure and on a straight line as well as reduce chain spit-outs and less wrist movement helps with consistency. Doesn’t feel as natural and is more difficult to putt from long distances.

Variations: straddle, staggered

Read more on the push putting technique here.

Straddle Putt

Could be a push putt or spin putt. Straddled legs with a hip thrust limits the number of moving joints and reduces side to side movement to greatly improve consistency. Squaring up to the basked can reduce power and distance and may take time to get used to.

Turbo Putt

Throwing the disc overhand while supporting with thumb underneath the middle of the flight plate and fingers along the rim, almost like throwing a football or darts. Increases power and allows line shaping, also useful for putting over obstacles. Usually doesn’t feel natural at first and can be inconsistent because of the extra arm movement.

John E. McCray is arguably the best turbo putter of all time:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW1k5cWr3RY

Choosing a Disc Golf Putter

Disc Golf putter tipsThe most common advice we hear is to find something that feels comfortable and putt with it. That advice works at first, but you should begin to determine what features you like and dislike about a putter and try something that may cover those weaknesses. For instance, you may find that the Discmania P2 has too deep of a rim for your liking, so you can search for something a little shallower like the Westside Shield. Or perhaps you like the Gateway Wizard but want something with less glide, so we’d direct you to the Kastaplast Reko. Remember, we’re here to help. We’ll be working to review putters and provide a database for your selection criteria.

When you’re ready to select the perfect putter for your putting style, we recommend checking the putter stock at Infinite Discs.

What is the best disc golf putter?

Practice Putting

After choosing a putting style and selecting a few putters to try, the next putting tip is simple: PRACTICE!! No need for explanation here, if you want to be a great disc golfer putter then you have to practice.

Here’s a great way to practice putting.


Planning for Your Putt

We’re going to reiterate that planning is important, even while you’re on the course. The best disc golfers don’t just throw and hope they get a good lie. They observe the environment and layout of the course and identify whey they want to putt from. Think of the following factors when deciding the best putting position.


This is the most basic consideration. Will there be obstacles like trees or bushes in your putting path where you land your disc?


Would you rather putt with the wind or against the wind? Maybe you can find a location near the basket where the wind is blocked by trees.

More advice on putting in the wind.


Putting from above or below the basket changes things and maybe you prefer an easy putt downward or a powerful putt upward. Also consider the chance of a roll-away if your putter misses the chains.Disc golf putting uphill

Here’s an article dedicated to putting with elevation.


Specifically, if you miss your putt, are there hazards like water or downhill drops that will affect your second putt? Maybe you’ll want to aim to one side of the basket so you don’t putt toward a hazard. Perhaps there is a puddle near the basket and your putting grip could be affected by a wet disc.

Here are more thoughts on planning for a missed putt.


While this should be consistent across the holes during your round, you should be aware that putters handle differently depending on temperature. Putters are usually more overstable with less glide in cold weather so you may want to land your approach shots in different areas.

Be ready for putting in cold temperatures.


Disc Golf Putting Technique

Now we’re getting into tips that apply to your actual putt. It’s important to fully examine your lie and the environment between you and the basket.

Choose a Line for Your Putt

Once again taking into account the above factors, you should decide what line to throw your putter on and what style of putt to use. Will you be able to hit chains by directing your putter straight at the basket or will wind or obstacles force you to bend your putting line in an arc or s-curve?

Can you use your primary putting style, or is there a reason to switch to a backup? It’s usually best to stick to your primary style whenever possible to keep as much comfort and consistency in your putting game as possible, but there will come situations where your backup putting style is necessary.

Commit To Your Putt

This putting tip is easy, but often overlooked. Once you have decided on a putting style and a line to the basket, commit! Make up your mind and don’t change while you’re in the process of putting. If you become unsure, step back and re-evaluate.

Pre-Putting Routine

After you have committed, proceed into a pre-putting routine. A pre-putting routine is important for mental focus and consistency.

Read more on a disc golf pre-putting routine here:

Disc Golf Putting Advice Conclusions

These are the disc golf putting tips that we consider to be essential for accurate disc golf putting. As you can see, we believe that putting tips begin far before your actual putt to the basket does. Of course, this putting advice is not all inclusive, and there are many other tips and suggestions. Here is a short list of disc golf putting FAQs and some resources that may help.Frisbee golf putting advice

How can I practice my disc golf putting form?

Are there any good disc golf putting games?

What are the most important putting components?

Can I putt side arm, or with a flick?

Is it ok to putt with my finger on the rim?

What is a disc golf stall shot?

What is disc golf putting fatigue?



We’ll work on updating this article and linking to more helpful content over time so that you always have a reliable resource for your best disc golf putting tips.

Hopefully you found this valuable.  If so, then find us on socials!

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