What Is A Jump Putt? A jump putt is a form of disc golf putting where the disc golfer actually jumps as he or she releases the putter. The purpose of a jump putt is to generate more power and gain distance while still maintaining control of the shot with a putt instead of a full throw. Most putting forms generate some power from the legs but also rely greatly on power from the shoulder and sometimes the elbow and wrist. This often does not provide enough power to reach the basket on long putts so squatting down and jumping can provide that extra power. Jump putts usually sacrifice some…
Disc Golf Straddle Putting Technique
Most disc golfers categorize their putting style as spin putting or push putting. Sometimes a player has a slight mix of styles and I’ve often described my putting style as a straddle spush putt. I’ve been thinking a lot lately and I believe the straddle putt stands alone as a putting style. Here’s my implementation of straddle putting.
Disc Golf Stall Shot
What is a disc golf stall shot? I’m always surprised by the number of times I’m asked that question when I describe my putt and approach game, but it seems that either the shot or the term is not as common as I had assumed. A stall shot is purposely throwing nose up so that your disc either rises drastically or catches enough air that it stalls early in in the flight path. A stall shot is sometimes referred to as an air bounce because the putter appears to bounce off the air, a bounce putt, a loft shot, rise shot, or generically a nose-up shot. Sometimes this is called…
Flick Putting
Consider this scenario. You’re 100 ft from the basket with several trees directly in your line. The straight line is blocked, an anhyzer won’t work because of the trees, a hyzer won’t work because there isn’t enough room for the arc. You should probably consider a layup to guarantee the next shot. But, what if you change your pivot foot and try flick putting?
Putting With Finger On Rim
During one of my first rounds of disc golf in 2002 I lined up for my first disc golf putt with my index finger on the rim of my Discraft Elite Z Putt’r. My mentor, Matt, immediately corrected me and sternly stated, “Never putt with your finger on the rim!”. Matt never provided a compelling reason against using my index finger to support the putter, he only warned me that that it can cause unbalanced putts and suggested that many people carry this habit over from throwing Ultimate discs or casual Frisbees. So, is it okay to put with your index finger on the rim of your disc golf putter?
Building Your Throwing Technique
I’ve been disc golfing for only two years but I’ve been able to exceed my expectations by far. I’ve also improved faster than my other friends that started at around the same time (Chris will attest to this). When I pair up and play a round with new people, none of them believe that I’ve only played a few years. My early success is a result of solid disc golf technique. I know I have a long way to go but I’m certain I have started on the right track and I owe a lot of credit to Dan Beto and his disc golf technique video.
Push Putting Technique
When I first started playing disc golf, I was terrible at putting. I used the typical wristy motion that almost all beginners attempt. I would miss way right of the basket, or way left if I forgot the natural path of the disc, or really long if I threw with decent enough form to create glide. As a result, my first several rounds involved laying up from 20′ and out. I was so scared to miss badly that I just went for a toss near the basket. Then, I came across a video of a great clinic put on by Dave Feldberg.
Putting Fatigue
During lunch today I practiced putting in the heat by playing The Range disc golf putting game with a coworker. I made it through nearly 200 putts before my putters started floating errant. The sun and 85 degree heat had finally caused putting fatigue to set in and this was a prime putting practice opportunity. I was determined to keep up my putting form and focus during practice so it would come much easier while on the course.