• Reaper Disc Supply disc golf

    Reaper Disc Supply

    A new disc golf season is upon us, and we want to make sure you are prepared with the newest disc golf trends! We were recently introduced to a new disc golf apparal company called Reaper Disc Supply, who sent us a few shirts and items to review. Keep reading because there are some cool things that you can get through reaper and a giveaway at the end!

  • disc golf overhand thumber tomahawk

    Disc Golf Overhand Throw

    The disc golf overhand shot, also called a Thumber or Tomahawk, is throwing a disc like a baseball with the disc tipped up on its side. Overhand shots are good for throwing over tall obsticals without the disc fading far to the side. When a disc is thrown overhand it will travel straight upward but as it falls it will begin to turn upside down and move to one side, then it will flip rightside up and move to the other side. The direction it moves will depend on whether you throw a Thumber or Tomahawk which we will cover below. The side to side movement of an overhand shot…

  • Disc Golf Flight Charts

    New Disc Golf Flight Chart Tool

    We’ve worked hard over the winter and are finally out of hibernation with our new interactive disc golf flight chart tool that allows you to view and compare estimated disc flight paths! Click the link below to play around with our new Flight Chart tool: Disc Golf Flight Charts This flight chart resource also includes the ability to adjust your arm speed and change handedness and adjust for forehand shots! And to make this tool more valuable, we’ve added additional features. We included a Putter Selector where you can filter a list of putters by various characteristics to help you decide what putter to try next. We’ve also included links…

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