Dynamic Discs Slammer Review
Dynamic Discs,  Putter Reviews

Dynamic Discs Slammer Review

The Dynamic Discs Slammer is one of the most robust overstable putters that we’ve thrown.  It’s powerful and comfortable plus durable with the beefy nose.  It will fight wind like a champ and may even be useful for flipping over your 1990’s Pog collection.

Dynamic Disc’s Slammer Notes:

“Too long for a putt. Too short for a full throw. The doubts come creeping in when you are between discs. Slam the door on those negative thoughts. The Slammer by Dynamic Discs is meant for times like this. Feels like a putter but can be thrown with the power and aggression of a mid without even thinking about flipping over. Approaching will now be a walk in the park. Get to the basket better and cast off those loose strokes with the Slammer. “


Available plastics: Prime, Lucid, Fluid, Classic, Classic Blend, Moonshine (fundraiser)

Flight Rating:  3, 2, 0, 3

Slammer Initial Reactions

Dynamic Discs’ Slammer is a beefy putter with a thumb track and big bead. The flat top and moderate profile help it fit comfortably in the hand and allows for a solid power grip.  You’ll definitely want to try a power grip on this strong putter.  Think a sharper nose Rhyno, or a beefier Caltrop.

Dynamic Discs Slammer Profile View

Dynamic Disc’s Slammer By the Numbers

Dynamic Discs Slammer


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When the Slammer is new it definitely displays positive turn and it’s a beefy enough disc that it takes a few rounds to break in.

Slammer Putting Notes

The Slammer is overstable and dumps hard even in close.  It will hold a hyzer putt and drop a little early and it will also take a straight putt which finishes hard left.  Anhyzer lines are not a strong point unless it’s a high line around an obstacle that you need to fade back before it dives.  Since the slammer is stiff and overstable with only moderate glide, it also makes for a good push putt and turbo putt discs.

The Slammer stands out as wind putter.  There are many putters which fight the wind with a blunt nose or overstability, but the Slammer is one of the best I’ve used.  Even with heavy head winds, the Slammer is consistent and fights the upward push.  Some thumbtack putters are sensitive to nose down throws in the wind, but the Slammer is once again consistent and relatively forgiving.  I also rarely need to worry about ro

Upshots With The Slammer

Dynamic Discs’ Slammer begs to be ripped with power.  The Slammer displays consistency along with a smooth and predictable flight.  I’ve mentioned that some powerful putters like this will display side to side movement or are difficult to release, but the Slammer is true and pure.  The thumbtrack assists a power grip and the rim is shallow enough that it should feel comfortable in most hands.  The Slammer will resist flipping at high power even when released nearly flat which helps it hold nearly any line.

The moderate glide of the Slammer is enough to hit a beautiful hyzer without dropping below the line early, but not quite enough to throw looping anhyzer shots.  Anhyzer shots are best achieved on low hard lines, and even then the Slammer is overstable enough to pull out with confidence.  The Slammer is a great driving putter because of its torque resistance.  The moderate glide may prevent it from becoming your maximum distance putter, but it can certainly handle the power.  I am able to throw the Slammer around 250 feet (76 meters), but find a 200-225 foot throw the sweet spot.  It’s also able to handle the snap of sidearm throws, but the thumbtrack and large bead can hinder a smooth release to some extent.

Slammer Final Verdict

The Slammer is truly a putter that all levels of disc golfer can find a use for.  Beginners will find it is a great overstable or utility option to improve their confidence, more advanced players are likely to grab the Slammer as a go-to wind and driving putter.  The Slammer has already found a spot in my bag.

DG Puttheads Dynamic Discs Slammer

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