I think most disc golfers will agree that one of the great aspects of disc golf is the vast number of discs available and the relatively low cost of discs. While a giant stack of discs isn’t necessary, it’s great fun to test different disc molds.
Unfortunately, this makes it difficult to know which discs to try and can lead to hundreds of different recommendations. In a recent post to a Facebook group called Big Daddy Disc Golf by Dave Tucker (I recommend you check him out on YouTube also), someone stated that he loves a certain disc but would like more distance. Most of the suggestions were quite appropriate but I noticed something which you also may have seen. Many of the recommendations were simply people giving a disc name or saying, “I love Disc A”, or “Disc B is my go-to driver”.
I absolutely love how the community is engaged here, but a long list of mold names like this may be overwhelming. So here are a few things you may consider when helping someone find a new disc.
First figure out what that person thinks he or she wants. Here’s an easy tip: start by asking what that person likes about that particular disc. Their needs will quite likely be different than yours so don’t recommend based simply on what you like about a disc.
Next, figure out what he or she actually needs. This can be difficult and may require experience, but it’s important. For example, if a player asks for a super overstable disc for a sidearm, it’s possible what they really need is just a torque resistant disc that will flip up nicely. If someone asks for a faster disc, maybe all he or she really needs is more glide or perhaps more turn to gain distance.
When you get to actually making a recommendation it’s a great idea to state why you’re recommending that disc. That makes your recommendation more impactful by showing you’ve put thought into your assertion. It can help that person prioritize which of the hundred disc molds to try first.
Also consider mentioning any potential negatives about the disc, assuming there are some. Your goal should be to assist the person in finding a disc, not to sell them on a certain disc (unless of course you’re a company rep). Discussing the negatives can give that person a realistic expectation and also help show that you are impartial.
Whenever possible, try to recommend multiple discs and discuss the differences. Not only will this offer more options, but it will also provide greater context for a disc golfer who has not thrown many discs.
On the flip side of this, when asking for a disc you will probably get more quality recommendations if you can keep the above in mind as well. Before asking for recommendations figure out what you like and what you actually need in a disc. Try to give an idea of what you aren’t looking for and mention other discs that you may have tried.
I’m going to contradict this entire article for just a moment. I personally like to just throw a disc before I ever do any research on it. That way I can discover what the disc will do for me and not have any expectations based on how it flies for someone else. But, if you’re like me and don’t have unlimited funds or a throw-it-before-you-buy-it shop nearby, then research and recommendations are often the way to go. Now you may ask why I even bothered to write this article. My answer is simply that I believe people will have a better disc golf experience if they’ve been provided with more informed recommendations. Heck, I’ve even considered starting a blog to recommend putters to disc golfers 😉
If you’re interested in some of our recommendations then we encourage you to check out our putter reviews or listen our Just Throw Podcast!
Also, don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and Twitter if you haven’t yet.