Discraft Paul McBeth Anax Review
Discraft,  Other Disc Review

Discraft Anax Review

The Discraft Anax, also known as the Paul McBeth Anax, is the third disc released in Paul’s disc golf line. Anax is an ancient Greek word roughly translating to ‘military leader’. This disc is considered a fairway driver by Discraft, but for those of us who don’t have Paul McBeth’s arm speed it’s probably more of a control driver. Regardless of what you consider the Anax, you’ll want to give this powerful disc a shot at leading you through your next disc golf battle.

Discraft Anax Manufacturer Notes

Here’s how Discraft describes the Paul McBeth Anax:

Introducing the 3rd disc in Paul McBeth’s lineup – The Anax (pronounced ‘aa·nuhks’). A strong, overstable fairway driver with the sharp rim of a distance driver but the comfort, thinner rim, and precision of a fairway driver. The Anax has quickly become a staple in player’s bags across the globe.

Discraft Paul McBeth Anax manufacturer page
Available Plastics: ESP
Flight Rating: 10, 6, 0, 3 (1.9 Discraft stability)

Discraft Anax Initial Reactions

Discraft Paul McBeth Anax profile

Similar to other discs in the Paul McBeth line, the Anax is comes in beautifully rippled ESP. The relatively small rim size helps it sit comfortably in the hand. The underside of the rim feels a little sharp, similar to a Vulture, but not as pronounced. At 1.7cm height the Anax has a gradual dome to the middle of the flight plate so it stills feels like a flat top disc and is easy to grip.

Discraft Anax Flight Notes

Discraft Anax


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The Anax is overstable and you can always count on it to come back. The outstanding characteristic of the Anax is the extremely high glide which allows lower arm speeds to still throw it effectively. I can comfortably throw the Anax around 335 feet (102 meters) when releasing flat. At this distance the Anax fades hard and likes to skip. If I release on an anhyzer I can hit around 350. The high glide keeps the Anax in the air and also makes it surprisingly workable. I would consider the Anax nearly as versatile as the Vulture but with a stronger fade. Big arms will be able to throw the Anax on a long gentle anhyzer and great s-curve lines. All arm speeds will be able to hit smooth pin-point hyzer shots enabled by the glide and the strong fade.

My favorite shot with the Anax is a short 200 foot (60 meter) forehand anhyzer flick which produces a smooth s-curve and drops hard right by my target.

discraft anax paul mcbeth driver

The high glide also allows the Anax to be thrown and controlled in all types of wind. It will fight a head wind for a extra distance and still fade back, but it won’t simply drop when thrown with a tail wind like many overstable drivers. In this way, the Anax is similar to Discraft’s Vulture which we mentioned is great in all wind conditions.

The Anax is a great choice for forehand throwers because it can handle plenty of torque but also flips up sufficiently. The extra snap from a sidearm can make the Anax even a little more workable without losing any consistency. The bottom of the rim starts out sharp and didn’t feel great on my knuckle for the first few throws but smoothed out quickly enough. The Anax shows more side to side movement on overhand shots than I prefer, but it is very consistent and predictable in the movement.

Discraft Anax Comparables

Discraft Vulture – Anax is more overstable with a touch more glide
Discraft Predator – Similar stability, Anax is faster
Innova Thunderbird – Thunderbird is straighter
Innova Orc – Anax hsa more glide with similar fade
Axiom Thrill – Thrill is faster and slightly less glidey
Westside Longbowman – Anax is faster

Discraft Anax Final Verdict

Paul McBeth’s Anax is a great go-to overstable fairway/control driver for big arms and will be a good overstable utility option for moderate arms. There is overlap with the Vulture so it won’t feel foreign, but it has certain advantages to make it a unique disc worth testing. The Anax will provide new exciting flight lines and enhance many of your favorite existing overstable shots.

If you’re ready to throw an Anax, check out your options here!

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