Gateway Disc Golf Prophecy Review
Gateway,  Other Disc Review

Gateway Disc Sports Prophecy Review

Gateway Disc Sports has stepped up their game recently and released a number of new discs and plastics including the Prophecy.  The Prophecy is a go-to overstable midrange disc that is available in Gateway’s new Diamond plastic.  I foresee the Prophecy fitting nicely into your bag.

Gateway Prophecy Manufacturer Notes

“The Prophecy is a low-profile overstable midrange that feels comfortable in the hand and fires fast from the fingers.  This disc will never leavy you short of your target with its consistent flight, lofty glide and perdictable fade.  We are confident that it will bring immediate improvement to your game and remain a staple in your bag for years to come.”

See the Gateway Prophecy manufacturer page here.

Available plastics: Evolution Diamond, Sure Grip, Super Glow, Sure Grip Super Glow, Evolution Diamond Super Glow

Flight Rating:  5, 5, 0, 2

Prophecy Initial Reactions

The Prophecy has a nice beefy feel to it and the new Diamond blend plastic is a big step for Gateway.  At 21.9 cm, the diameter is a little larger on this midrange driver than say the Roc3 or eMac Truth, but not by a large amount.  The Prophecy has a nice flat top and slightly rounded shoulder so that it feels nice in the hand and offers a confident release regardless of your grip type.

Gateway Prophecy


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The Prophecy starts out more overstable than indicated and almost has a positive turn.  After a round or so it breaks in nicely to become deadly straight as shown.

Gateway Prophecy Flight Characteristics

Gateway’s Prophecy is a sturdy midrange which loves power and torque.  Many people have compared it to Innova’s Roc3.  This is a workhorse disc that can hold a straight line for 300 feet and beyond and always displays a consistent fade.  The Prophecy flips up just slightly allowing for a smooth release and true flight, but be careful because it won’t flip much!  If you put the Prophecy on a lower angle you’ll get a nice smooth hyzer.  It has high glide and and a wide diameter so it will hold the hyzer line for a long flight and finally drop hard at the end.  Because of the strong fade, the Prophecy will usually pull out of anhyzers about two-thirds of the way through the flight.  However, it can handle so much torque I was able to hit long anhyzers by throwing it high or even forced s-cruves around 300 feet.  Although the Prophecy is workable on longer lines, I’d hesitate to claim that it has much finess.  It handles both power and fan grips with no problem, but I found it was overstable enough that it was didn’t perform well on shots less than 150.  I’d use the Prophecy as a go-to midrange over 200 feet while carrying an Element for shorter or tighter lines.

I find the best characteristic of the Prophecy is its consistency.  Even at 15 mph head winds have little effect on the prophecy and temperature changes from 60 to 90 affected the flight only slightly.  I was able to park the Prophecy right next to the basket on 250 foot hyzer lines repeatedly with a very accurate landing that rarely rolled or bounced.   When thrown on low and hard hyzer lines I was able to take advantage of a very controllable skip to get underneath low branches and avoid wind gusts.

The Prophecy will also be an excellent forehand choice for many disc golfers.  The wide diameter made it somewhat difficult for me to balance the disc with my small hands while throwing forehand, but it can handle torque just fine and I’m sure larger hands will have an easier time balancing it.

Gateway Prophecy Midrange Comparison

Here’s how the Prophecy compares to some other familiar molds:

  • Innova Roc3 – Very similar in flight to Prophecy but a slightly smaller diameter and possibly harder fade
  • Discraft Wasp – Has more glide than the Prophecy and is more workable but less consistent
  • Discraft Buzzz OS – Shorter and more overstable than the Prophecy
  • Prodigy M1 – Similar consistency but the M1 has a sharper nose and a quicker drop
  • Prodiscus JOKERi – has a similar flight and overstability to the Prophecy but is but is slower and shorter

Gateway Prophecy Final Verdict

The Prophecy is going to be a flagship midrange for years to come and should fit well in many disc golfers’ bags.  It’s a beefy midrange that may be difficult for beginners to handle, but could certainly be used as the overstable utility disc instead of a big driver.  Intermediate to advanced players will love putting torque and power into the Prophecy and will likely find added consistency and confidence with it.

Ready to try Gateway’s Prophecy in your bag? Check out pricing options here!

Don’t want to take our word?  See this Prophecy review from Big Daddy Disc Golf’s Dave Tucker!

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