Many disc stores categorize the Devil Hawk as a midrange disc rather than a putt and approach disc, though Gateway has it in the putter section. Does it perform like a midrange or a putter?
Manufacturer’s Notes
“The Devil Hawk is a low profile putt and approach disc with a bullet shaped nose and a bead on the wing for stability. It also has a Thumb Track design for added control and feel. This disc is basically a Wizard with 1/4′ of rim depth taken out of the middle. This is our most over-stable putter in our Putt & Approach line.”
Available plastics: S, SS, SSS
Flight Rating: 3 speed, 2 glide, 0 turn, 2.5 fade
Gateway doesn’t list official ratings, the Devil Hawk ratings are estimated by the Putt Heads
Initial Reactions
I have a Soft plastic edition, which certainly doesn’t mean floppy. This is a firm disc that feels great. Read more about Gateway plastics: I really like the thumb track, which actually seems like it is for a thumb as opposed to the Scale and Serpent. I received this specific disc in the first Chain Cutter’s Union Box.
By the Numbers
Gateway Devil Hawk
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Putting Notes
Wow is this thing overstable! From 20’ with a push putt I notice significant fade and the disc looks like it is tipping over from 30’ and out. For that reason, I’m not overly fond of putting with the Devil Hawk in normal conditions. For spin putting with the Devil Hawk, I think I’d prefer a softer plastic to avoid some chain-outs.
In high winds, an overstable putter is necessary to mitigate the effects of nature. In this regard, the Devil Hawk offers a great choice for putting in the wind.
Final Verdict
I like the concept of the Devil Hawk as there are often times when a shorter shot needs to fade immediately. It isn’t going to go in my bag yet, however I plan to keep practicing with the Devil Hawk because I feel like it may eventually fill a void for short hyzers, controllable approaches, longer flex shots, and even wind putting.