The first putter from the Discmania Evolution line of discs is the Link. This is a neutral flyer with a big bead. The first putter from the Discmania Evolution line of discs is the Link. This is a neutral flyer with a big bead.
Discraft Xtreme Review
In an interesting partnership, Infinite Discs has combined with Discraft to bring the Xtreme out of retirement as a signature disc for Drew Gibson. In an interesting partnership, Infinite Discs has combined with Discraft to bring the Xtreme out of retirement as a signature disc for Drew Gibson.
Disc Golf Lessons From Golf: Tiger takes a 10 at the Masters
The game of golf holds many similarities to disc golf in the mental and strategy arenas. You may not love golf, you may not watch golf, but you certainly can become a better disc golfer by learning how golf professionals attack the golf course. In this first article of a potentially long-running series on disc golf lessons from golf, we take a quick look at the 2020 Masters.
Disc Golf Disc Numbers
If you’ve been around disc golf for a round or two, certainly you’ve seen some numbers etched into a disc golf disc. You’ve probably even heard some other players talk about discs with a numeric value. What do the numbers on a disc mean and how can you use this information? Beginner or Advanced, we hope our disc golf flight number guide gives you some new information to ponder while taking about your favorite discs.
DiscDot Review
DiscDot USA is a new disc golf company that is looking to bring you unique and innovative products. We’re excited to tell you about the DiscDot and the Distance Marker, both of which are aiming to improve your putting practice.
Weighing Disc Golf Discs
After you’ve shopped for disc golf discs a few times, you start to understand that the weight of the disc matters. In fact, we have a great article to help you choose which weight you should use: What Weight Discs Golf Discs Should I Throw? That’s helpful if you know the exact weight, but how do you figure it out? Manufacturer Weight First, let’s discuss the weight given by the disc manufacturer. You might see a sticker on the bottom like Discraft does, or a hand-penned version like Innova does. Or you might get something else. Here’s the important note about those weights though – they aren’t super accurate. Sure,…
The Best Socks and Underwear for Disc Golf
We’ve reviewed hundreds of disc golf putters, midranges and drivers over the years. We’ve shown you great bags and accessories ranging from towels to disc golf baskets to kid’s books. One thing we don’t discuss enough is what to wear out on the course. Yeah, you can pretty much choose any clothing and play the game, but why not give your game a little boost with your clothing. Let’s start with the undergarments. Sorry ladies, we don’t know much about women’s performance wear.
Rodney’s 2020 In the Bag
Checking in with Rodney to see what he is throwing.
Disc Seasoning
I’m sure you know someone who needs this! Get those brand new discs bag ready in minutes! See what else DGPH Labs has cooked up:Portable Disc Golf Charging StationeXtreme Disc Golf Association (XDGA)Dinner Plate Review Roundup
Discraft Fierce Review
Shortly after Paige Pierce joined Discraft they released a new putter. We got an early test flight but waited to review the disc until we confirmed the production issue would be the same. Read on to hear what we think about the Fierce. Shortly after Paige Pierce joined Discraft they released a new putter. We got an early test flight but waited to review the disc until we confirmed the production issue would be the same. Read on to hear what we think about the Fierce.