Discmania Link
Discmania,  Putter Reviews

Discmania Link Review

The first putter from the Discmania Evolution line of discs is the Link. This is a neutral flyer with a big bead.

Manufacturer Notes

Discmania says:

The Link has a stable flight for a putter, able to take large amounts of spin without getting floaty and able to glide to the basket without fading out too soon. The Link fits the perfect all around putter for beginners and seasoned pros alike. This putter features a big bead on the rim that makes the Link feel comfortable and helps it glide out of the hand easily on every shot.

Available Plastics: Soft Exo, Hard Exo
Flight Rating: 2, 3, 0, 1

Initial Reactions on the Link

If you absolutely hate beads on your putters, the link isn’t for you as it has a rather large bead on the rim. Overall it feels like a Judge or Wizard. If you’re more familiar with the Discmania line of discs, the Link is almost a blend of the P1x and the P2.

The Exo Hard plastic feels great – firm with a lot of grip. The bullnose actually makes the putter fit nicely in the hand.

Discmania Link


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Putting Notes

As always, putting in the circle is straight forward. Longer putts show why the disc has been labeled with a 3 glide. You’ll likely need to give it a little more gas to get to the basket if you are accustomed to a higher glide putter. That said, it stays fairly straight on longer putts with a normal amount of fade at the finish.

Upshots and Approaches

The reduced glide and low speed makes the Link a nice choice for approach shots. It also showed no signs of skipping upon landing, which can be a great feature for your approach disc. Light hyzers and anhyzers didn’t have much of an affect on flight for me but stronger arms would likely disagree. From the tee pad, the Link tends to have a little turnover and fly fairly straight before a moderate, albeit quick, fade at the end of the flight.


Discmania P2 – The Link is a little shallow compared to the P2 and has a big bead.
Dynamic Discs Judge – Similar feel. The Judge is more workable and has a little more fade and glide.
Gateway Wizard – Similar feel. The Wizard is more workable and has a more fade and glide.
Prodigy PA3 – Link is slower with a wider diameter

Discmania Link Final Verdict

Overall, the Link is a generic, straight putter with a big bead. That isn’t to say it is a bad putter at all, I just worry that it will get lost in the sea of putters on the market. If you’re a Discmania fan, you should definitely check out the Link.

Check out Infinite Discs to purchase your own Link.

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