The first putter from the Discmania Evolution line of discs is the Link. This is a neutral flyer with a big bead. The first putter from the Discmania Evolution line of discs is the Link. This is a neutral flyer with a big bead.
Disc Golf Putting Rules
Disc golf putting rules are not complex in most situations, yet they are frequently misunderstood and a subject of debate. There are of course some uncommon situations not explicitly covered by putting rules and you need to understand how to apply the rules. Putting is an essential part of disc golf and if you don’t understand the rules you can easily earn yourself penalty shots. We want to see you score well so here is our explanation of disc golf putting rules in normal language.
Discraft Fierce Review
Shortly after Paige Pierce joined Discraft they released a new putter. We got an early test flight but waited to review the disc until we confirmed the production issue would be the same. Read on to hear what we think about the Fierce. Shortly after Paige Pierce joined Discraft they released a new putter. We got an early test flight but waited to review the disc until we confirmed the production issue would be the same. Read on to hear what we think about the Fierce.
Disc Golf Straddle Putting Technique
Most disc golfers categorize their putting style as spin putting or push putting. Sometimes a player has a slight mix of styles and I’ve often described my putting style as a straddle spush putt. I’ve been thinking a lot lately and I believe the straddle putt stands alone as a putting style. Here’s my implementation of straddle putting.
Winter Disc Golf – Putting
Next up in our series on disc golfing in the winter is putting. Just how much does the cold weather affect these short shots?
Improve Your Disc Golf Game
One of the most common questions we get is “How do I get better at disc golf?”. The answer to this question is very simple, just throw; we must do in order to improve. But the person asking this question is usually looking for a deeper answer. The simple answer is correct but let’s dig into why.
The 5 Most Important Putting Components
Watch a round of disc golf at the local course or a professional tournament, and you’ll notice something very quickly: there are a lot of different putting styles! Spin, turbo, push, spush, walking, and list could go on. Each of those basic putting styles has seemingly unlimited possibilities and personalizations. Zoom out a little and you’ll notice that successful putters have a few basic similarities regardless of individual technique.
Disc Golf Stall Shot
What is a disc golf stall shot? I’m always surprised by the number of times I’m asked that question when I describe my putt and approach game, but it seems that either the shot or the term is not as common as I had assumed. A stall shot is purposely throwing nose up so that your disc either rises drastically or catches enough air that it stalls early in in the flight path. A stall shot is sometimes referred to as an air bounce because the putter appears to bounce off the air, a bounce putt, a loft shot, rise shot, or generically a nose-up shot. Sometimes this is called…
Flick Putting
Consider this scenario. You’re 100 ft from the basket with several trees directly in your line. The straight line is blocked, an anhyzer won’t work because of the trees, a hyzer won’t work because there isn’t enough room for the arc. You should probably consider a layup to guarantee the next shot. But, what if you change your pivot foot and try flick putting?
Putting With Finger On Rim
During one of my first rounds of disc golf in 2002 I lined up for my first disc golf putt with my index finger on the rim of my Discraft Elite Z Putt’r. My mentor, Matt, immediately corrected me and sternly stated, “Never putt with your finger on the rim!”. Matt never provided a compelling reason against using my index finger to support the putter, he only warned me that that it can cause unbalanced putts and suggested that many people carry this habit over from throwing Ultimate discs or casual Frisbees. So, is it okay to put with your index finger on the rim of your disc golf putter?