Disc Golf Data Book Cover
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Announcing A Disc Golf Data Book

The sport of disc golf has exploded in popularity with new courses springing up all over the US and the world! Professional tournaments are finding air time on network television and more people are throwing discs than ever before. So what’s next?

A disc golf data revolution is coming.

Visit the official Disc Golf Data: Becoming A Better Disc Golfer Page here.

Demand for data is growing as disc golf becomes more competitive, which is why I am announcing the book:

‘Disc Golf Data: Becoming a Better Disc Golfer’

You have already seen Disc Golf World Tour providing data on professionals and you have recorded your own statistics using the UDisc app. Now you need to get involved in the data and become a better disc golfer.

What Is In This Book?

With an anticipated title of ‘Disc Golf Data: Individual Metrics’, you can expect a book that will teach you how to record data from your disc golf game and use it to improve your disc golf performance. You will be introduced to a new set of disc golf metrics, beyond what exists today, that have been crafted specifically for disc golf. These metrics identify areas of your game that need work and other metrics that will help improve those areas.

The focus is on improving your game at a tactical level but will include some data that can help shape your strategy or how you approach holes. We need to drive the capture of new data to support deeper disc golf analtyics, but this requires starting at the tactical level, proving the data works, and then building up. If you are ready to be part of the disc golf data revolution then this book is for you. I already have plans to follow up with higher level data used to drive disc golf strategy, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet.

Most importantly, this book is intended to drive disc golf data in general. The metrics in this book will absolutely help improve your game, but I am challenging all readers to go beyond these metrics and build your own. My goal is to inspire the use of data in disc golf, not to sell you solely on the metrics that I propose. You need to drive the data revolution, not me.

Putting Circle

When Will Disc Golf Data Drop?

The first draft of the book is nearly complete and you can expect this book to be in your hands sometime this summer! The current release date is set for June, but check back with us often for updates. An ISBN has been secured and a logo has been mocked up that you can expect to be released in the coming weeks. You already have a view of the proposed cover.

Because of this, our normal blog posting activity may be a bit light for now. But don’t worry, the book will be worth it and we will get back to posting articles and reviews soon!

Author’s Experience

I am a data scientist with well over 10 years of professional data experience. Collecting data and measuring that which has not been measured before has been a defining characteristic of my career. I have also been a disc golfer for 20 years. Over the past 5 years I have been combining these passions through the DG Puttheads blog with the help of Rodney (the other author here) who is a developer of over 20 years. We have written multiple articles involving disc golf data but now it is all coming together in this book. You can read my recent guest post at Parked Disc Golf on a data driven analysis of How The COVID Pandemic Affected Disc Golf in 2020 here.

Don’t forget to check back often and follow us on socials for updates and news on the release!

-Disc Golf Chris

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