The first putter from the Discmania Evolution line of discs is the Link. This is a neutral flyer with a big bead. The first putter from the Discmania Evolution line of discs is the Link. This is a neutral flyer with a big bead.
Discmania P3X Review
Discmania makes another entry into the approach putter category. This time it’s the P3X, a beaded putter with overstable tendencies.
Discmania P3 Review
The P3 by Discmania is a lower profile, overstable approach putter that can be used off the tee as well.
Discmania P1 Maniac and P1x Review
The P1 Maniac from Discmania is known as a soft and floppy Aviar. The P1x adds a small bead to the putter without changing the flight characteristics much at all. These straight flying putters are similar enough in flight that we’ll review them together.