In the spirit of Halloween, I challenged Rodney to a special disc golf challenge – The Halloween Disc Golf Bag Challenge!
It’s a simple concept, load your bag only with discs having a name related to Halloween. To make the round a little more challenging we only selected discs that don’t normally hold a spot in our bags. This also took away any natural advantage that I’d have since I always carry a Discraft Stalker and Innova’s Monster and Beast. The main difficulty was that we haven’t purchased discs specifically for Halloween related names and we both ended up lacking in midranges. Here’s how our bags looked.
- Discraft Crank
- Innova Wraith
- Discmania Craze
- Latitude 64 Scythe
- Innova Banshee
- Discmania P2 Psycho
- Discmania P1 Maniac
- Quest Inferno
- Innova Wraith
- Discmania PD Freak
- Discraft Undertaker
- Discraft Storm (bit of a stretch but it’s all I had)
- Innova Spider
- Gateway Wizard
- Gateway Warlock
So who won the Halloween Disc Golf Bag Challenge you ask?
Rodney won by one throw. We both scored about 5 throws higher than our average. The extra throws can be accounted for evenly between unfamiliar drivers, poor midrange selection, and new putters.
One great outcome of this challenge is it forced us to use our disc golf fundamentals to adjust to new conditions. This round was less about learning each new disc than it was about changing our strategy to deal with our current assets and situation. Any time that a variable is introduced that causes discomfort you risk getting thrown off your game and scoring poorly and it takes both mental strength and strategic planning to overcome changes. However, by practicing this aspect of our disc golf game using a fun challenge, it doesn’t feel like practice. These types of challenges also give us a chance to throw a few of the hundreds of discs from our basement that we rarely pull out.

Rodney’s disc of the day was probably his Innova Wraith which he threw on a lace four or five times. This was the first premium plastic disc he had ever purchased and he’s always thrown it quite well. I keep asking him why it’s not in his bag and he never gives me a good answer. My disc of the day was the Discmania PD Freak. It’s a model of consistency and handles all conditions well. I won this awesome Huk Lab stamped PD Freak from Overstable Studios.
Overall our bags covered most of our shots we needed and it was a great practice round. Putting was our largest struggle of the day since we’re so accustomed to our normal putters. We also had great scenery with the gorgeous Fall colors of Michigan, and we only spent about 15 minutes in total looking for our orange and yellow discs among the fallen leaves! Of course showing our best Halloween Huck Faces helped us get extra distance out of our drives.
Are you throwing this Halloween? Do you have a Halloween disc golf bag or an excellent Halloween Huck Face to share with us?
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram if you haven’t yet!
Josh Woods
Solid article guys. Funny, I hadn’t noticed how many discs are Halloween related.
I know you guys love your discs, and it sounds like playing with those unfamiliar Halloween discs hurt both your scores, but have you ever found that throwing unfamiliar discs doesn’t have much affect on your game, as long as you have the basics (putter, mid, driver)? The other day I watched, unhappily, a friend of mine kick my butt (a feat he rarely pulls off) with discs that he had never used before. He borrowed a bag full of completely unfamiliar discs and played one of his better rounds. I’ve actually had a similar experience. Does our obsession with discs really help us play better?
Rodney Lane
I agree for sure. In fact, we both would have shot “normal” scores if we had our normal putter. Aside from that, I’ve realized that there are very few times a different driver or fairway will make a big difference in my game. I can adapt to most midranges, though there are a few that I prefer over others, but putting is where I score. Every missed putt is guaranteed to add a stroke to your score, but you can usually recover from a poor drive and you can score well from an average or mediocre drive. That said, Chris has a high level of comfort with his Crush off the tee and when he plays without it I notice a little difference in his game – mostly he doesn’t have the same consistency and reliability off the tee.
With that in mind, the real question is – are we not good enough to “gain” strokes with drivers and fairways, or should we stick to one disc and learn it completely before deciding to keep or move on?