Infinite Discs Chariot
Infinite Discs,  Other Disc Review

Infinite Discs Chariot Review

The second disc in the new Infinite Discs lineup is the Chariot.  This midrange comes in the highly sought after color glow plastic.

Infinite Discs says this about the Chariot:

“The Chariot is a straight-flying mid-range disc with excellent glide and a knack for following the thrower’s angle of release. It can be guided on smooth hyzer lines, on anhyzer turns, or can be used for straight, precision approaches on the fairway. The Chariot finishes with a gentle and consistent fade and is ready for frequent use in your disc golf game.”

Infinite Disc’s Chariot Page

Available plastics: Glow C-Blend

Flight Rating:  5, 5, 0, 1

Infinite Discs Chariot – Feel

If you haven’t felt one yet, the color glow plastic is quite special.  It compares to the Kastaplast K1 and Prodigy 400s plastics for smooth yet grippy.  As far as the Chariot mold, it feels really similar to a Discmania MD2.  You’ll notice a small bead on the bottom and a small shoulder leading into a flat top.

Infinite Discs Chariot Profile

Infinite Discs Chariot – Flight

Straight.  Like an arrow.  I’m sure we’ve used similar words in other reviews, but the Chariot flies very straight.  Powered down it gets a little fade as expected, but not much.  It can handle a decent amount of power before turning over too, which is nice for the bigger arms out there.  Given an anhyzer angle, the Chariot turns nicely before settling into a straight path.  On both the straight and anhyzer paths, you’ll be treated with a decent amount of glide too.

I tend to throw most of my shots on a slight hyzer – it’s just they way I learned and it feels comfortable.  The Chariot flies nicely on a hyzer for me, it just doesn’t get as much glide.  Of course, I’m not a pro so I don’t repeat the same release angle throw after throw.  That’s where the Mako and Mako 3 gave me trouble.  Most of the time, the Mako 3 would ride a perfectly straight line and end exactly where I wanted.  Every now and then, I’d get a little flat with the release and the Mako 3 would turn over too much.  I would consider the Chariot to be a more forgiving Mako 3 or an MD2 with less turn.

Infinite Discs Chariot – Comparison

Let’s compare the Chariot to other midranges you may have thrown:

  • Mako 3 – The easy compare, a Mako3 with a bead. The Chariot handles more torque, stays straighter
  • Roc – Chariot turns less, fades less, and gets a little more distance
  • Roc 3 – Chariot is shorter with less fade
  • Buzzz – Chariot turns less and flies further; flight is more similar to a Ti Buzzz
  • MD2 – very similar flight, Chariot has easier release
  • MD3 – Chariot has more turn and less fade
  • Emac – Chariot is shorter with less turn and less fade

Infinite Discs Chariot – Conclusion

The Infinite Discs Chariot is one of the straightest mid-range discs I’ve ever thrown.  It feels great with the color glow plastic too.  Infinite Discs has added another great disc to their lineup.


Are you ready to try one for yourself?  Check out your color and weight options here!

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