The Dynamic Discs Marshal rides into town to play peacemaker between the beaded and beadless gangs. When the dust settles, does the Marshal still stand tall?
Manufacturer’s Notes
“To bead or not to bead. This is one of the most fundamental questions in disc golf. While the Judge and Warden from Dynamic Discs each have their own opinion, the Marshal comes to establish peace in this fight. The microbead and slim profile of the Marshal makes for a disc that feels and releases great. With more stability than one would expect from this profile, the Marshal will usher in a new era of confidence and comfort inside the circle.”
Available plastics: Prime, Classic Blend
Flight Rating: 3 speed, 4 glide, 0 turn, 1 fade
Initial Reactions
At first touch, this putter feels a lot like the Judge and Warden. I don’t have a bead preference but I know that is a polarizing topic for many disc golfers. The Judge has a rather large bead and the Warden does not have one at all. The Marshal’s micro-bead is unnoticeable to me but I’m so used to holding a Judge. I wonder what the beadless camp feels about this concept.
By the Numbers
Dynamic Discs Marshal
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Putting Notes
I used the Marshal during the 2016 Trilogy Challenge where I had some success with the disc. I haven’t noticed much different with the production version of the putter. Originally I compared the Marshal’s putting flight to a Judge that fades out earlier. I would now amend that statement to say that the Marshal putts like a Judge without turn.
Inside the circle, this flight path plays out as a very straight putter for push putting and spin putting. I recall watching several rollaways after a missed putt in the Trilogy Challenge but I haven’t seen any with the production version. The Marshal putts fairly well in moderate winds. In high winds you’ll want to look elsewhere.
I really enjoyed using the Marshal for longer approach shots and putter drives. Thrown flat, the disc flies on a very straight line with minimal turn and minimal fade. This may be the straightest disc flight I’ve been able to produce.
Shorter approaches with the Marshal tend to fade a little earlier than I expect, but with some practice I’ve been able to find a consistent approach shot that doesn’t risk gliding way past the basket.
Final Verdict
The Marshal is a comfortable putter that gives consistent results. I think both Spin and Push putters should try this as a putter. For me, I’m keeping it in the bag as an approach and driving putter. I like the laser straight line I can get from the teepad. I’ll be hoping to learn more about the Marshal for the touchy approaches that require less than a full throw.