The Innova Corvette was released in 2019 and billed as the fastest disc on the market. Innova took a step forward in the arms race of maximum distance drivers with this straight and fast disc. This 14 speed driver is possibly the straightest flying maximum distance driver on the market and the Corvette’s control is rivalled by very few in its class.
Storm Discs Jet Stream Review
Storm Disc Golf is relatively new to molding discs. Hailing from Lubbock, Texas, Kirby and his wife have been on a journey to design their own disc golf discs. We congratulate Storm for introducing unique features for each disc. Our first review is the Jet Stream, a 12 speed driver that has a ton of glide.
Discraft Sting Review
Discraft’s newest driver is called the Sting, but it floats like a butterfly and is actually quite friendly to your disc golf game. This understable fairway driver has a few special capabilities that could very well make it a main-stay in your bag.
Discraft Vulture Review
Discraft’s Vulture is the newest disc of prey in their lineup. This distance driver will give you predictability as well as workability and will remind you very much of Discraft’s veteran driver, the Predator. Discraft recently sent us a Vulture to test and we were very pleased to find the familiar feel of the Predator but in a brand new mold with new potential.
Discraft Challenger OS Review
Discraft’s Challenger OS is one of the best mold modifications I have thrown. Some mold adjustments make the disc slightly longer or significantly change the stability, but the Challenger OS has just the right amount of added stability to conserve most of the original Challenger’s benefits while bulking it up.
Lightning Rubber Putter Review
Lightning Disc Golf is one of the few brands beside Vibram to offer a disc made of rubber. This is the Rubber Putter and we recently acquired one to test. Lightning often has a reputation of poor quality discs, but we decided to give them a fair shot and it turns out that Lightning’s Rubber Putter is actually a decent disc when used appropriately.
Discraft Ringer and Ringer GT Review
Discraft’s Ringer, originally released in Pro-D, has now been released in the adjusted Ringer GT mold available in Jawbreaker and Soft-X plastics. We’ve been testing the Ringer for some time and Discraft just recently sent us a Ringer GT in both plastics to review. Both molds left our ears ringing with confidence from the number of chain hits.
RPM Discs Tui Review
The RMP Discs Tui has a flight that resembles its stamp; intricate, beautiful and precise. RPM discs has been manufacturing discs for many years but has only recently begun selling them mainstream. The Tui is their first putter and fills many needs on the disc golf course.
Gateway Warlock Review
The Gateway Warlock putter is magical as it holds its line and cuts through the air. The lines you can hold with this putter will make you wonder if it’s possessed.
Latitude 64 Mercy Review
The Latitude 64 Mercy takes some of the best features from the list of excellent putters and melds them together to seriously stand out. Just when you think it’s too much putter for you, it shows you its gentle side and you’ll pick it up again.