• Slow Down Your Discs
    Tips and Advice

    Take it Slow and Easy

    I have an amazing new tip for your game. This amazing revelation will lower your scores and increase your fun! I’m so glad that I came up with this idea. Except I didn’t.  Its been a known concept in many sports for a while and some of our fellow disc golfers have already stated the same thing. So here it is: go slow. Slow down your movements and throw slower discs.

  • Just Throw Podcast
    Tips and Advice

    In The Bag With Disc Golf Chris

    A number of you have recently requested that Rodney and I record In the Bag disc golf videos.  We review putters and talk about discs constantly, but we haven’t given you a good feel of our bag build-out.  Both of us have been adjusting our bags since last season, but we’re finally in a place where we’re essentially set for the 2017 season.  This is my In the Bag video. We’re giving you three options:  You can watch on YouTube, listen on the Just Throw Podcast or meet up with us at Burchfield Park and see my bag in person! YouTube: Just Throw Podcast: Don’t forget to follow the DG…

  • Burchfiled Park Devil's Den hole 11
    Tips and Advice

    A Story of Disc Golf Strategy

    If you’ve read any of our articles up to now then you probably know that we preach strategy. Many of our strategy articles are theoretical so that you can apply the strategy to many different situations. To change it up, I thought I’d provide a concrete example of how strategy plays out on our local course. Rodney and I made it to the course last week to take advantage of the warm February weather. After playing conservatively over the past couple months due to wind and cold weather, we did two things slightly differently to get our arms ready for the season. The first was match play, which is a…

  • Discs for Cold Winter Disc Golf
    Tips and Advice

    Winter Disc Golf – Discs and Plastic

    Does this sound familiar?  You pull out your cold hard Elite Z Nuke, still beaded with drops of melted snow from the last hole.  You wipe it over with your towel only to realize that the towel is also completely saturated and your Nuke is still wet.  You decide to throw anyway but immediately regret your decision as the extra firm plastic rim rips at your fingertips.  Then you watch it hyzer out hard and drop far earlier than expected.  That’s winter disc golf for you. We recently discussed how to adjust your putting for the cold and a few ways to help mitigate the loss of distance due to…

  • cold weather disc golf distance
    Tips and Advice

    Winter Disc Golf – Distance

    It’s cold in Michigan, 24 degrees as I write this article.  Yet Rodney and I still find ourselves out on the course and putting in our yards.  Crazy?  Maybe.  Die hard disc golfers?  Yes. We’ve had a few readers recently ask us questions about disc golfing in the winter so we decided to write a short series of articles about disc golfing in the cold.

  • Featured Posts,  Tips and Advice

    The 5 Most Important Putting Components

    Watch a round of disc golf at the local course or a professional tournament, and you’ll notice something very quickly: there are a lot of different putting styles! Spin, turbo, push, spush, walking, and list could go on.  Each of those basic putting styles has seemingly unlimited possibilities and personalizations.  Zoom out a little and you’ll notice that successful putters have a few basic similarities regardless of individual technique.

  • Putter Flick Shot
    Tips and Advice

    Flick Putting

    Consider this scenario.  You’re 100 ft from the basket with several trees directly in your line.  The straight line is blocked, an anhyzer won’t work because of the trees, a hyzer won’t work because there isn’t enough room for the arc.  You should probably consider a layup to guarantee the next shot.  But, what if you change your pivot foot and try flick putting?

  • Setting up in the disc golf approach zone
    Tips and Advice

    Mind Your Misses

    January in Michigan brings cold weather and snow.  Today I played several rounds after a winter storm layered ice on top of an inch of snow.  The ground was firm enough in most places that it didn’t even collapse under my feet.  As a result, every putt posed an interesting question: do I go for the make or just lay up?  What is the proper strategy in the Approach Zone?

  • Disc golf strategy - look back from the basket to the tee to find a line
    Tips and Advice

    Play the hole backwards

    No, I’m not saying for you to tee off at the basket and try to land your putt on the cement tee pad.  I’m talking about a strategy that legendary golfer Jack Nicklaus employed.  Nicklaus often talked about starting his thoughts at the perfect location on the green to hole a putt.  From there, he would determine what spot in the fairway gives an opportunity to easily find the selected location on the green.  His strategy moves backwards all the way to the tee.  This is a simple concept, but how does it apply to disc golf?

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