Infinite Discs sent us the newest Westside putter, the Shield, for a review. Rated as a slightly overstable putter with little glide, how do we Judge this disc?
Manufacturer’s Notes
“Our newest putter on the market the Shield is the next step up from the Swan. Designed with a tacky grip in the BT plastics, the Shield is a little thicker and has a small bead on the rim. It holds a stable line when throwing as an approach and a straight line into the chains while putting. Westside Shield is a PDGA approved disc. “
Available plastics: BT Soft, BT Medium, BT Hard
Flight Rating: 3 speed, 3 glide, 0 turn, 1 fade
Initial Reactions
My first grip on the shield felt very comfortable. The BT Medium plastic is not as firm as the BT Hard Swan reviewed recently, but stronger feeling than the Dynamic Discs Classic Blend and Innova’s DX. The medium plastic also has more tackiness than the BT Hard Swan we recently reviewed.
By the Numbers
Westside Shield
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Putting Notes
It took a few putts with the Shield before I realized why it felt comfortable in my hand – it is rather similar to my main putter, the Dynamic Discs Judge. Push putting inside the circle performs like the Judge too. At the edge of the circle I do notice a bit of the overstability, not enough to change my aim point until I putt from 30′ or more.
When compared to the Judge, I can’t putt this thing as far as I expected. This is where the reduced glide number is validated and also where I like the Shield most. Missed putts don’t float away too far which has been my main nitpick about the Judge. The fade and glide ratings also help when putting in the wind. Light winds and even some medium level winds were no problem for the Shield.
Thrown with full power from the tee, the Shield will turn a little before finding a line and dropping quickly. Distance is shorter than the Judge, especially evident when throwing lower power shots. The Shield tends to fly and drop quickly and consistently.
At full power this is not a great anhyzer flex disc, something the Gateway Wizard certainly excels at. However, if you ever have a need for a lower power flex shot, the Shield will produce. The disc seems to like the hyzer line much more.
Speaking of the Wizard, Chris compares the Shield to the flight of a Wizard with much less glide. This results in a shorter distance potential and an earlier activation of the fade.
I haven’t seen the disc skip like some overstable discs do, nor have I noticed a tendency to roll away like some extra firm putters do. The former is likely a result of reduced glide while the latter is likely due to the BT Medium plastic. We’ll update this review if we have a chance to test the Shield in other plastics.
Final Verdict
Well Westside Discs, you’ve made the first putter that I’ve considered a true challenger to my Judge. I’m going to dedicate more several rounds to experimenting with the Shield as my main putter. It feels slightly more comfortable than the Judge and doesn’t glide past on a missed putt. My only concerns at this point may be the lack of distance I can get on the putter from my normal putting stance and finding the necessary aiming point for longer putts. Time will tell if the reduced glide works better or worse for me.
Head over to Infinite Discs, the online disc store where you choose the exact disc you’ll receive, to get your own Shield, or any other disc, bag, or accessory at a great price.
We are not affiliated with Infinite Discs but we do believe they have a great site and great customer service.
Thanks for the review, glad you liked it. I have almost half of my disc golf crew putting with or at least bagging one of these. Although I’ve recently started push-putting with the Dagger from inside the circle, the Shield stays by its side for any and all straddle/spin/spush or jump putts. While typing this I find myself laughing at how the names of these molds even complement each other.
Rodney Lane
And thanks for suggesting the Shield! I’m interested to know if there is anything else you’d add to the review, or anything you disagree with.
Thanks for your worthy information, For the most part, the scoring terms for disc golf players are the same as they are for ball golf players. I just want to say that choosing the right type of disc for the right situation can make all the difference in your score!.