most overstable disc golf putters
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Most Overstable Disc Golf Putter

There are plenty of overstable disc golf putters, but there is something magical about insanely overstable putters that fade before they even leave your hand. For some unknown reason we are drawn to those putters that can be thrown further upside down than normal. Maybe we feel powerful hucking a putter that rips our shoulder from our socket. Or maybe it’s just me and I should talk to a therapist. Whatever the reason, we tested a lot of super overstable putters and here is our evaluation of the most overstable disc golf putters you can find.

**This post was updated November 2020 and does not include any overstable putters released after

What Is The Most Overstable Disc Golf Putter?

The most overstable disc golf putter is between the Stego and Baobab and comes down to how you define ‘overstable’. If you consider overstable as tipping early then the Baobab has the Stego beat; on the other hand if you conside ovestable as curving furthest to the side then the Stego has the Baobab beat. Popular consensus is that the Reptilian Discs Stego is the most overstable disc golf putter.

This post was written by the DG Puttheads and originally posted on

Stego vs. Baobab vs. Splinter

The Baobab by Above Ground Level Discs carries a rating of 4, 0, +1, 3 and is a slow and incredibly low glide putter with a very blunt nose. It has a slight rim protruding from the top of the disc but otherwise a very flat top and no bead. The Baobab begins to turn downward almost immediately out of the hand and drops hard early in its flight. Because of this, it does not curve to the side as much as the Stego.

AGL Discs Baobab putter profile

The Stego by Reptilian Discs has a blunt nose with small beveled rim and small bead. It also features just a slight dome and a small protruding rim on top of the disc. The Stego is the quintessential meat hook putter and travels to the side more than the Baobab because it doesn’t tip downward as quickly.

Reptilian Discs Stego putter profile

The Obsidian Discs Splinter is another contender for the most overstable putter, but it has just a little glide which helps with control and reduces the feeling of complete overstability. The Splinter also has a blunt nose but rounded just a touch more than either the Stego and Baobab and it has no bead. The Splinter has a puddle top which slopes inward instead of the upward protruding rim on top of the disc. One thing about the Splinter is that when thrown nose down it drops faster than most putters due to the puddle top.

Obsidian Discs Splinter putter profile

Most Overstable Disc Golf Putters

  • AGL Baobab (4, 0, 1, 3)
  • Reptilian Stego (3, 1, 1, 4)
  • Obsidian Discs Splinter (3, 2, 0, 3.5)
  • Storm The Crater (3, 2, 0, 3)
  • Dynamic Discs Slammer (2, 2, 0, 3)
  • Innova Pig (3, 1, 0, 3)
  • Innova Rhyno (2, 1, 0, 3)
  • Infinite Discs Ruin (3, 3, 0, 3)
  • Viking Discs Loki (4, 2, 0, 4)
  • Yikun Hammer (2, 3, 0, 3)

Overstable Disc Golf Putters

Here is some quick additional information on the most overstable putters in disc golf, as well as links either to our reviews or additional details.

AGL Baobab – The most blunt nose of any putter I have ever thrown. The Baobab is pretty much a shotput with lipstick and has been known to break radius bones.

Baobab Overstable disc golf putter

Reptilian Stego – The Stego is the definition of a meathook. Many claim that it can be throw further upside down than rightside up. My arm fell off last time I threw the Stego.

Stego overstabledisc golf  putter

Obsidian Discs Splinter – Made in Finland and designed to hold up to wind and low temperatures. Unique feel with a puddle top which also causes it to perform very differently when thrown nose up or nose down. This makes for a slightly more versatile meathook than others on this list.

Splinter overstable disc golf putter

Storm Discs The Crater – Named for its shape maybe? Puddle top that’s not quite as overstable as others on this list but still has a very hard fade and very low glide for accuracy and consistency.

Dynamic Discs Slammer – Feels like a deeper putter because of the raised thumbtrack. Fairly low glide, holds a straight line for a minute. Incredibly dependable and consistent in the wind.

Innova Pig – Hard to find now but worth grabbing in Blizzard plastic if you can get one. Also sports a thumbtrack and is basically a faster Rhyno.

Innova Rhyno – Old mold with a thumb track and hardly any glide. I hear misspelling it reduces the glide more… or is it named after that pro wrestler?

Infinite Discs Ruin – Higher glide than rated, offers greater workability than most while still offering consistency.

Infinite Discs Ruin putter stamp

Viking Discs Loki – Wide diameter and very overstable. The Loki likes to fly out straight for a moment then hook hard. Probably shouldn’t try to flip it up.

Yikun Hammer (Chui) – Low feeling profile and multiple raised ridges which improve grip and fight wind very well. It’s kind of an inverted Rask design.

Hammer overstable disc golf putter

Choosing An Overstable Putter

The two most important things in chosing an overstable putter are knowing what you need it to do for you and the feel of the putter. Knowing your disc golf game and what holes you are trying to fill in your bag will guide you toward the right discs. You may want the consistency of a low glide and very overstable putter, or perhaps you want more versatility with a high glide and somewhat overstable putter. 

Let’s be honest though, the putters listed above are probably 90% interchangeable and you probably will not go wrong with any of them as your utility of choice. None-the-less, sometimes overstable discs are less comfortable to throw so the feel of the putter may make the largest difference. For example you may get a better grip on a blunt versus round nose or prefer a beaded putter versus beadless putter. Once you have found a comfortable overstable putter, just practice with it until you can hit your target.

It is worth noting that a putter mold is usually more overstable in premium plastic. On the other hand, premium plastic often displays more glide than base plastic. It is also important to remember that base plastic discs break in more quickly and as they break in they will turn more and often display added glide. Sometimes this can lead to a very useful disc, a consistent and overstable putter with a touch of workability. However, if you want your overstable putter to hold its original flight path longer, go for premium plastic.

Your Most Overstable Putter

We’ve tested many overstable putters to identify what we believe are the most overstable putters disc golf. However, some putters vary based on plastic and run. We also understand that there is room for debate. So what putter do you vote as the most overstable putter in disc golf and why?

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